Small commuter Airline Cascadia Air of Penticton BC will be acquired by Ord Mountain Resources Corporation via a buy out of its parent company Cascadia Northern Air. Cascadia Air began operating from Penticton BC in 2020 offering scheduled and on demand service to Pitt Meadows, Abbotsford and Chilliwack utilizing Piper Navajos.
Ord Mountain Resources announced in July that it entered into a letter of intent to merge with BluSky Aviation Group Link to announcement. The announcement stated that the merged company would create a micro-cap special purpose acquisitions company (MSPAC), that will primarily “focus on the acquisition, transformation, and holdings of distressed or undervalued commercial aviation related assets throughout Western Canada”.
The proposed acquisition is the first deal of the newly merged company of Ord Mountain and BluSky Aviation Group. BluSky is currently managed by Liquid River Capital Corp which is a subsidary of US based Arch River Capital Corporation.