The Cessna 525B CitationJet CJ3 suffered a runway excursion during a landing attempt on runway 22 in gusting wind conditions at Caldwell Wright Airport (CDW/KCDW), New Jersey. The aircraft overran and came to a stop in a drainage ditch.
There were no injuries.
N225SC radioed KCDW coming from the west at 2500′ requesting a visual approach to RWY 22. KCDW Tower instructed N225SC to enter a right Downwind for 22, relayed Winds were 330 at 18 G 26, and stated that in the previous 10 min, a Cirrus PIREP on final for RWY 28 was +/- 10 kts. Pilot reported back “We’ll keep our eyes on it.” When N225SC called Downwind for RWY 22, KCDW Tower gave clearance to land on RWY 22 with following conditions: Wind 280 at 19 G 26. After N225SC acknowledged, KCDW Tower added that Gusts were currently 26. Then, KCDW Tower calls “5SC, you ok?” The plane radios back, “We’re ok. Everyone is getting off the plane. No fire.”

Weather reported about the incident time (1838Z):
KCDW 171853Z 33012G21KT 10SM BKN070 10/M09 A3015 RMK AO2 PK WND 29029/1829 SLP217 T01001089
KCDW 171753Z 29012G22KT 250V320 10SM BKN070 11/M08 A3014 RMK AO2 SLP214 T01061083 10106 20061 50006