Calgary, March 25 2022 -(SCUDRUNNERS) – Seven years ago to the day Scudrunners.com was created in response to a “suggestion” on an Aviation Forum. When I started this venture I didn’t have any experience creating websites (it showed) or any other computer experience other than PWNING Noobs gaming online. Since then I have learned much and now can safely say I know what i’m doing as a webmaster.
If you know this site only from our Facebook and Instagram pages I encourage you to take look at the Forum where it all started. The Forum is ad free and I am quite proud of the design and layout I created for you the users. The members of the forum are very knowledgeable and welcoming, I think you will find some great advice and encourage you to take a second look. In addition we have tons of resources pilots can check out from Job Ads and Pay Scales to free downloads of aircraft POH.
May the Per Diem beers flow for many more years