Edmonton, June 11, 2021/ Premier Jason Kenny announced Saturday afternoon that Alberta will hold a million dollar prize draw for people who receive their first Covid-19 vaccination shot. The prize will be awarded to someone who received their first COVID-19 shot within 7 days of the province passing 70% of eligible people with one dose.
In the news release Premier Kenny eluded of two more prize draws to be held later this summer. When pressed for details about the other draws the Premier elaborated.
“In the spirit of getting Alberta back to normal the second prize draw will be for Albertans who contract an STD during this years Stampede! We want Albertans to celebrate this years Stampede just like any other year! A drunken two week celebration filled with mini donuts, STD’s, divorces and hangovers.”

“The third draw will be held for anyone living in Edmonton, because living in Edmonton is much worse than dying of Covid.”
Scudrunners “News”